Workshops for parents
To book and/or check the next available dates for any workshop, please join our Meet Up group Conscious Parenting Training Playgroups.
Workshops are great group courses designed to focus on a single parenting subject of your interest. It is advisable to have taken the Module 1 Class on Brain Development to make the most of the workshop, however it is not compulsory.
Surviving Tantrums
Raising Girls
Raising Boys
Anxious Children and Supporting Sensitive Children
Raising Strong-Willed Children
Combining Love & Limits - How to say No
Let's Talk About Sleep
Prepare to Parent
Childcare - Getting It Right
Your Competent Child : How Children Thrive
Siblings : Creating a Breeding Ground for Love
How to Deal with Bad Behaviour
25 july 2020 - 9:30am - 12:30 pm
@ serendipity centre, #02-05, 51 WaterLoo St, Singapore 187969
Raging Children - what to do?
Exhausted Parents - how to deal with your own emotions in the heat of the moment?
How to stay the parent you want to be?
How to strengthen the bond between you and your child with every tantrum?
You will learn how to understand your child better, respond more effectively during a tantrum and how to get a better grip on your own emotions.